Friday, December 27, 2019

Benefits Of A Online Business - 943 Words

Persistence is a prerequisite to success in online business. There is no way you can make money online if you are not persistent. Training yourself to become persistent, despite all eventualities, is one important factor that you need to learn right from the day you venture into online business. It should be understood right from the start that making money online takes time. Do not be fooled by those scams who promise you heaven and who make you think that you can make thousands of dollars overnight. To benefit from online business, it s really dependant upon several factors among which include skill, knowledge, effort, time, will-power and persistence. I have observed that most people are longing to earn money online. This is evident in the number of people that sign up in some of the affiliate programs I promote. However, when you consider those who persist and become serious online marketers, you get tightlipped. I believe it s not only with me. Even other marketers have a similar problem. Do you know why? It s partly because many people join hoping to make quick money without necessarily knowing what it takes to succeed in online business. Persistence is an unknown secret to most would-be successful people in online business. But it s what has turned many online marketers into millionaires. Of course there are other contributing factors, but persistence plays a pivotal role and is a key ingredient to success in your business. Hard work and persistence canShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Online Advertising On Local Business Essay1363 Words   |  6 Pages Marketing locally is important for any small business with the desire to grow. Local online marketing has set the standard in small business marketing with a cost effective method that yields targeted clients. Many companies focus on search engine optimization (SEO) to be found locally on the top of Google and other search engines. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Police Brutality Public And Critical Eye - 1052 Words

Mireya Ontiveros Mr. Haven ENG110-23 April 13, 2016 Police Brutality Throughout many year police has become more aggressive towards the people of color. They have excessively used their power to discriminate and brutally beat minorities. Police brutality is a very serious problem that many Americans face today. Police should be held accountable for their misconduct towards people of color and be punished severely. Police action in particularly to police abuse has come to the attention of the world wide view of the public and critical eye. Citizens are now not only worrying about protecting themselves from criminals, but now they are having to keep a watchful eye on those who are supposed to protect and serve, the police. Many minorities†¦show more content†¦This resulted people to come out and fight for what they believed was an act of discrimination, injustice, and hatred. This made people feel agitated and unprotected by their own justice system and police department. In addition, many of these misconducts by police officers often occurs in low income areas. According to the Journalist’s Research, it states that â€Å"In Oklahoma the rate at which black people are killed per capital by law enforcement is greater than anywhere else in the country.† This shows that African Americans are a huge target and are more common to encounter police brutality. Sadly, minorities ar e dying from polices shooting and pull overs. The communities fear for their life’s and no longer can trust the police to do their job. In the article Abused by the State: Police Brutality Statistics demonstrate that â€Å"Cases involving physical use of force which include fist strikes, throws, choke holds, baton strikes, and other physical attacks are 56.9 percentage (Everett).† Its is shocking to see that the numbers of use of force are very high. Many polices offers are becoming less captious about their behavior and act like if they are criminals. People should be treated with respect and dignity because at the end of the day the people such as community members pay their salary and expect them to protect and serve the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My Generation free essay sample

All the signs point to the conclusion that I live in the past. Peace signs and Grateful Dead stickers decorate my car’s bumper, the smell of incense permeates everything I own, and Bob Dylan’s protest songs fill my iPod. My friends are always calling me a â€Å"hippie† and telling me I was born in the wrong decade, that somehow my time line got tangled, but I disagree. The reason I dress the way I do and listen to the music I do is because I am fascinated with what the hippie culture stood for and still stands for today: having opinions and taking a stand. However, I refuse to wish myself back to that era because I have faith in my generation. I have faith in my generation, even though I worry about our fate. Our most important issue is our need to have a global awareness. The traps of triviality pose a serious threat as we live in a world packed with distractions: grades, jobs, the latest episode of â€Å"Lost. We will write a custom essay sample on My Generation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † Who has time to watch CNN or read a newspaper, and who has time to react to what they learn? The reason for the apathy attributed to our generation is not a lack of compassion or guts but a lack of knowledge. We are taught about the Holocaust; we are supposed to learn from history’s mistakes so we are not â€Å"condemned to repeat them.† However, we are not taught about the genocides of today. How are we supposed to be outraged and take action against something we are unaware of? The microcosm of our culture and everyday routine threatens to blind us to the greater concerns of the world and our obligation to improve it. But I have faith in my generation because when we are aware, we take action. I have witnessed proof at my high school. A group of my friends and I founded a school club to bring attention to the current genocide in Darfur. We wore our â€Å"Save Darfur† T-shirts, organized fundraisers, and tried to bring awareness to the crisis. In the early days of the club, people would ask us â€Å"Who’s Darfur?† However, after we put on a demonstration at lunch, the message spread and soon the bright yellow â€Å"Save Darfur† T-shirt became a fashion must-have. Although I may be wearing a tie-dye shirt and listening to Janis Joplin as I write these words, I am glad to be living today, for I have faith that my generation will make tomorrow better than even the hippies could have dreamed.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Quality Control Methods Implementation

Sample checklist for the product Feature Remarks bodywork dimensions weights aerodynamics engine performance fuel consumption chassis general Abbreviations The Theory of Constraints The Theory of Constraints refers to a philosophy of management that was invented by Dr. Goldratt. According to the author, the potency of any process, chain or system relies on the system’s weakest link.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Quality Control Methods Implementation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More TOC is usually systemic and endeavors to spot the things that prevent the system from being successful. It attempts to produce the necessary changes to eliminate the limitations or problems that may cause it to be successful. Theory of constraints has separate yet linked processes as well as interrelated concepts that entail â€Å"logistics, performance measures, five focusing steps and logical thinking processes† (Cox and Michael, 1998). Goldratt states that there are three major measurements of the performance to assess. They include inventory, throughput, as well as operating expense. Additionally, TOC stresses out the usage of these global measures of operation instead of the usage of local measures like utilization and efficiency. Goldratt also points out enhancement of throughput. The rate of generation of money by the system through sales is referred to as throughput. Goods may not be considered assets until the time they are sold (Dettmer, 1997). The money that is invested in the products intended to be sold by the firm or the materials that are supposed to be converted into items that can be sold are all inventories. Operating expense entails the money that the organization spends in the conversion of inventory to throughput. The firm will, therefore, be aiming at increasing throughput and decreasing inventory as well as the operating expenses so as to enhance cash flow, returns on investment as well as the overall profit (Dugdale, and Colwyn, 1997). When the throughput is increased and inventory is as well as operating expenses are minimized, the firm will most likely achieve its objectives of making money, both in the present as well as in the future. All the things that will be preventing the organization from attaining this given goal should be described as a constraint. They may feature in form of material, capacity, logistics, behavior, or the policy of management (Gardiner, John and Lorraine, 1994). In order to deal with constraints, a tool called five focusing steps is developed. These steps make sure that the efforts of improvement are still on track. These are collectively believed to be the most significant TO aspects. The five focusing steps include: Step 1: Identification of constraint(s) that may take place within the system.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Step 2: Decision on how to make sure that the constraint(s) of the system are exploited. Step 3: Subordinating all things to the decisions that are made within Step 2. Step 4: Elevating the constraint(s) of the system. Step 5: If any constraint is interfered with within Step 4, it would be good to move back to the Step 1. TOC is oriented toward the entire system’s output. These five focusing steps help in the identification of the biggest constraint overshadowing others. As soon as a constraint has been made stronger, the weakest link that follows will be the priority constraint which ought to be addressed. Kaizen Five-Step Plan The application of Kaizen in organizations is capable of delivering significant outcomes through small actions within the areas of safety, productivity as well as employees. Organizations that have embraced this philosophy usually encourage all employees within the organization to assess their environments and work processes. They are also enabled to implement suggestions on how standards, workflow, as well as processes should be improved. At the end, improvements ultimately result into improved quality, improved productivity as well as higher profits.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Quality Control Methods Implementation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More 5 Steps on how to use Kaizen within an organization: 1. Definition of a Problem When there is no problem at all, there will be no improvement required. The first thing that should be done is the identification of the existence of a problem. 2. Creation of a standard When there are no standards, it will be very hard to improve them. Besides, it will also be very hard to detect if there are any improvements. Measuring standards need to be developed. 3. Development of 3 to 5 better Ideas After the identification of a problem as well as the stand ards, it is prudent to come up with three up to five ideas. The ideas may be brought by anybody within the organization. When suggestions have been brought, selection of the best ones should follow. The ones that are very easy to implement and that will produce results in 120 days should be selected.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More 4. Go back to step 1 The last step of the procedure is starting it all over again. This makes it a continuous process. Benchmarking Benchmarking entails comparing the services and products offered by a firm against the products that are offered by the best firm within the whole industry. It is always a constant practice of measuring services, products as well as practices against companies which are considered to be the leaders within the industry. The process is aimed at exploring and implementing the best practices at very favorable costs (Camp, 1989). Benchmarking involves the identification of comparison points referred to as the benchmark. Against the benchmark, all the products as well as services offered by the organization are compared (Balm, 1992). Benchmarking is mainly aimed at ensuring that there are quality improvements. Benchmarking has a track record of quality improvements and when it is implemented by the organization (Barber, 2004). Benchmarking involves four majo r step, they are thorough understanding of own processes, scrutinizing other firms’ processes, contrasting other firm’s performance with own performance and implementing all the steps required to seal the performance disparity. Benchmarking is a potentially valuable tool for the management of quality processes. Park Place Mercedes-Benz can greatly improve on the quality of its products as well as services it provides by comparing them with those of the leading dealers. However, benchmarking with the leading manufactures will not be beneficial. Besides, they are not the actual manufactures of the vehicles but they are only dealers. They can only benchmark against dealers like them. Conclusion Benchmarking, Kaizen Five-Step Plan as well as The Theory of Constraints are very significant for Parkplace Mercedes-Benz since together with them, the organization will be able to enhance the quality of products that it provides to its customers. With benchmarking, the organizatio n will be able to compare its products with those of the leading ones in the industry and as such it will be able to improve the quality of products that it provides. References Balm, G.J. (1992). Benchmarking: A Practitioner’s Guide for Becoming and Staying Best  of the Best. Shaumburg, IL: QPMA Press. Barber, E. (2004). â€Å"Benchmarking the Management of Projects: A Review of Current Thinking.† International Journal of Project Management 22: 301–07. Camp, R.C. (1989). Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices That Lead to  Superior Performance. Milwaukee: American Society for Quality Control Quality Press. Cox, J.F., and Michael S. S. (1998). The Constraints Management Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: St. Lucie Press. Dettmer, H. (1997). Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints: A Systems Approach to  Continuous Improvement. Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press. Dugdale, D and Colwyn J. (1997). â€Å"Accounting for Throughput: Techniques for Performan ce Measurement, Decisions and Control.† Management Accounting 75, no.11: 526. Gardiner, S.C., John, H.B. and Lorraine R. G. (1994). â€Å"The Evolution of the Theory of Constraints.† Industrial Management 36, no. 3: 136. This case study on Quality Control Methods Implementation was written and submitted by user Adrian Sheppard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.