Thursday, August 27, 2020

Compare and contrast two Jazz Big Bands Research Paper

Look into two Jazz Big Bands - Research Paper Example With these components Jazz music presented another ‘Swing Style’ which spread the nation over creation Jazz considerably increasingly famous and pleasant. In this examination paper I have decided to talk about two significant Jazz groups †The first is the ‘Benny Goodman and his Orchestra’ and the second is an advanced Jazz band which is the ‘Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra. 2 The long stretches of Jazz that followed held incredible importance as significant Jazz figures with their own matchless style, stylish sense and specialized aptitudes rose. A portion of these greats on the Jazz scene were †Louis Armstrong (1932), Duke Ellington and other people who set up for the advancement of Jazz music. (Schuller, Gunther, 1989, pg.3) The financial scenery with the Depression on one hand and the Wall Street Crash on the other gave powerful ground to the thriving of Jazz. (Schuller, Gunther, 1989, pg. 4) The monetary conditions were poor and joblessnes s was widespread and performers thought that it was difficult to make a decent living. It was during this troublesome period that the ‘Swing Era’ rose when Jazz got equal with American Popular Culture. Benjamin David ‘Benny’ Goodman, clarinetist and bandleader of the gathering, was delegated the ‘King of Swing’ in History during this period. Conceived in Chicago on May 30th, 1909, Benny proceeded to lead one of America’s most well known Jazz symphonies. (Benny Goodman-The King of Swing, It was his prevalence that encapsulated the Swing Era since his music was heard by both the Blacks and Whites similarly as he strived difficult to extinguish the hunger for Jazz music for the new mass crowd lastly rose as a ‘symbol of the era’. (Schuller, Gunther, 1989, pg. 6) Benny Goodman’s vocation started when he joined the Henderson band which was probably the best band of that time whose structure, style an d sound was so noteworthy and interesting. A coalition was framed and the Benny Goodman band proceeded to make history by forming the fate of Jazz. 3 Teenagers were deeply inspired as they desired for swing music and very soon they had a decent fan following of Jitterbugs who went insane for his music. (Benny Goodman, One of his mainstream numbers that I tuned in to was ‘Swingtime in the Rockies’. It was a fascinating move number that was so foot tapping that I wanted to move myself. It was cadenced from start to finish loaded up with staccato grabs from the clarinets and trumpets which were participate by the trombones. The drums kept a consistent cadence directly through the organization which was so fiery as it was satisfying. (Benny Goodman, The music of Benny Goodman and his Orchestra is unquestionable on the grounds that the majority of the structures are so exuberant and fiery. On e of different melodies I tuned in to is ‘Sing, Sing, Sing’ which included in a film named ‘Hollywood Hotel’. Other than Goodman, different players were Gene Krupa on the drums and Harry James †Trumpet. The tune was quick paced and cadenced and the symphony played it immaculately with the whole gathering participating in the last piece. (Sing, Sing, Sing’, The Benny Goodman Orchestra was the most mainstream swing

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Freud and the Oedipus complex essays

Freud and the Oedipus complex papers How persuading do you discover Freud's depiction of the Oedipus' phase of advancement? The possibility of childish sexuality has consistently been fundamental to Freud and early he has begun to take a shot at an essential hypothesis for the Oedipus complex: the craving for the parent of the other sex and threatening vibe towards the other.The first name picked is 'atomic complex', at that point 'fatherly complex'.It is just in 1910 that the term 'Oedipus complex' is first utilized. In a first methodology that doesn't offer an away from of the distinction between the kid and the young lady, by connecting the Oedipus complex to the mutilation complex, breaks the evenness between male Oedipus and female Oedipus and gives a genuine measurement to the psychoanalytic hypothesis. In any case, this distinction in the clairvoyant advancement of the kid and the young lady shouldn't pulled back the way that for the kid as much for the young lady, the primary love object is the mother. Pre-genital sexuality is a significant reality in adolescence and grown-up sexuality is fundamentally founded on it. As indicated by Freud, the kid has various phases of advancement before pubescence; every one is part organic, social and forming one's personality. He has generally expounded on the ubiquity during youth of a sexual inclination, basically auto-sensual, right off the bat oral (the youngster is sucking his mom's bosom), at that point butt-centric (improvement of erogenic), lastly phallic inside which the Oedipus complex begins to create. For the kid, around the age of three, unconstrained and attractive sensations around the penis show up. The kid has instinct for sexual games prone to incite these sensations, within the sight of an accomplice, as he guesses that it occurs between his folks. He begins to want his mom and to feel loathe towards his dad, there is particularly an extraordinary change in his conduct when he understands that his folks have intercourse togeth er: He (the youngster) starts to want his mom herself in the sense with which he has as of late become air conditioning ... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Make Money from Gengo as a Translator and Work from Home

How to Make Money from Gengo as a Translator and Work from Home When you start work online then you may not find any good guideline specific guideline to do a suitable job. There are many paths where we can go through for making money online. One of the good sources of online income is online translation job. This is really a big industry but most of us dont know how to make a full income working from home from translation industry. If you have good knowledge about multiple languages or you have love about foreign language then you can become a translator and work from home for earning money. This job is not required any higher degree on language. There are many multinational also working as an online translator even they didnt think about this job before. You can make some cash by doing translation job from Gengo beside of your current job. What is Gengo? Gengo is a Tokyo based translation business organization founded in 2008 but now they have office around the world. The word Gengo derives from Japanese word. Gengo provides online translation service where people get translate service from various translator from around the world. In their network over 10,000 translators currently working and all of them are working from Home. How to become eligible for Gengo as a Translator? In Gengo you have to do usually small jobs which mean you dont have to translate a lot of words at once. But their work deadline is very short. So you have to work quickly. If you want to work from home for Gengo then you have to register with their website first. But you have to pass through their language skill test to become eligible for Gengo as a translator. Step #1: You can simply go through below URL and go through their signup process. Step #2: After completing the signing up process you will need to complete the Gengo Test, this is for testing your translation capability and your test will review by a Senior Translator. After passing on Gengo Test you will able to begin translation jobs right away. Brief Concept of Gengo Test. You might become nervous about the test but this is not so tough for you if you have good knowledge about foreign language. I am sharing a brief about Gengo Style Guide. You have to give test on Gengo through online and it uses concept of Major and Minor errors. So it will count your each minor and major error while they check your answers. You can apply for Standard Translator but this is bit tough for you until you have good command in foreign language. Under Standard Translator test you make only 3 minor mistakes. But if you have any technical difficulties during test then you should raise a support ticker to redo the test. Test result will be process within 7 days after submission. However you can give test 3 times to pass the test. So this is brief concept about Gengo test. Wish you best of luck for the test. After passing the test you can star work right away. How to Get Paid from Gengo? Gengo will make payment for translator job twice in a month. And you can receive payment from PayPal. For better earnings you should become a Standard translator to Pro translator and for this test you have to go through a pro test in Gengo. Their minimum payment for translator job is $0.03 per word, so more words means more income, but if you can become a Pro translator then you can earn more. Final Verdict Gengo has great reputation in online translation industry. There are more than 10,000 translators working worldwide and numbers of contributors are increasing day by day. If you are looking for a good job from your home which can be done in your leisure time then translation job in Gengo Is ideal for you. How to Make Money from Gengo as a Translator and Work from Home? Much translator state that, Gengos payment is very poor but for earning more money you should become a pro translator, otherwise you wont able to earn much. However senior translators are benefited from Gengo from a monthly allowance.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Purge violence in horror films increasing violence in the real world - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 344 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2018/12/28 Category Psychology Essay Type Research paper Level High school Tags: Emotion Essay Movie Essay Did you like this example? Psychological theories explaining media violence, threats and the effects have been established and they try to create awareness on the demerits of exposing the society to violent content. ?The Purgefor example as a movie could have numerous effects on the viewers mostly the younger generation. These effects could either be long-term or short-term. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Purge: violence in horror films increasing violence in the real world" essay for you Create order These short-term effects include priming, arousal and finally the affected individual starts to mimic the behavior observed.The purge for example containing numerous violent scenes sparks priming of the events observed by the observer. Priming entails the spread and activation of the brain in response to the stimulus observed which excites the brain. This excitement could be due to the mere sight of some weapon like a gun. Arousal develops after priming, this could be characterized by aggressiveness of the observer as observed from a scene in the movies. These aggressiveness is noted in the manner that the individuals emotionally react to provocations. For example after watchingThe Purge where the viewer is exposed to strong abusive words and extremely violent behavior and therefore the manner in which one responds to encounters and provocations is more aggressive as compared to a neutral individual not exposed to these content. Mimicry comes in as the individual tries to imitate violent actions observed. Perception of particular social practices around kids improves the probability of kids aping such practices. In particular, as youngsters watch brutal conduct they are inclined to emulate it. Long term effects that accrue watching of violent content includingThe Purge included behavioral change. Repeated exposure to these content causes mutation of character and behavior if not monitored. Emotional activation or desensitization are also long term effects of exposure to content such as those contained inThe Purge. Desensitization is when negative emotions are automatically experienced as response towards an event or scene observed. Work cited. Pandeya, N., Sahdev, S., Virmani, V. The Impact of Media Violence: An Overview of Theory and Research. Bushman, B. J., Anderson, C. A. (2001). Media violence and the American public: Scientific facts versus media misinformation.? American Psychologist,? 56(6-7), 477.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Orwell s Animal Farm, By George Orwell - 856 Words

Stultifying to self-delusion In novel â€Å"Animal Farm† by George Orwell, he mentions the animals in the farm they all have the vision of freedom after Old Major’s prediction. They rebilled against the farmers and after their victory they tasted the revolution. The farm was renamed â€Å"Animal Farm† and made the constitution of the manor – â€Å"the seven commandments.† Soon there is a split on the revolution between the pigs, Snowball was declared as an enemies of the revolution. Since then Napoleon and Squealer obtained the leadership of the farm, immediately they have more power and more preferential treatment, they gradually moved away from other animals, and eventually become exploiters for exactly the same as humans, the original ideals of animal farm name is also be abandoned. One theme of animal farm is that we need to have a clever mind to see through unfair trick, before it is too late. One way this theme is introduced is through the characterization of intellectual animals. The animals have poor intelligence development can never understand which way are the right thing and which are not, their world view are small, and just like a frog living at the bottom of a well. In a year the animals live like a slave, but they enjoy it, not afraid of hardship, and not afraid of sacrifice. Because they are deeply aware of: that everything they do for their own interests and their own future, but not for those idle, lazy humans. But is that really true? In all animals Boxer became theShow MoreRelatedGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1361 Words   |  6 Pagesfarmer, but of late he had fallen on evil days†(Orwell 38). In Animal Farm George Orwell describes life for the animals on a farm in the english countryside during the mid to early 20th century before, during and after a revolution against their master Mr.Jones in order to represent the russian revolution and describe to p eople throughout the free world how leaders in both capitalist and communist societies oppress the working class as a result Orwell s tone throughout the novel is concerned. TsarRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1392 Words   |  6 Pages George Orwell Never Misuses Words In what was a vastly controversial novel published in 1945, George Orwell’s Animal Farm describes the horrific brand of communism in the Soviet Union and the conscious blindness that most of the West accepted at that time. Although Orwell labeled Animal Farm as a fairy tale, this historically parallel novel branches into the genres of political satire, fable, and allegory as well. What made Animal Farm so controversial among the â€Å"British socialists† and WesternRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm958 Words   |  4 PagesImagine that you were an animal s or citizen living under Napoleon or Stalin rule and the fear that your life can be taken always from you at any time. In the novel of Animal Farm, George Orwell he wanted to show how a book is a sarcasm of the Russian Revolution during the communist years and the satire of that time between Trotsky and Stalin. Where Orwell chose to create his character base of the common people of Russia at the time of the Revolution. Animal Farm is a social or allegory about NapoleonRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm922 Words   |  4 Pages In the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, the wisest boar of the farm, Old Major, mimics Karl Marx, the â€Å"Father of Communism,† and Vladimir Lenin, a Russian communist revolutionary. George Orwell introduces direct parallels between the respected figures through their mutual ideas of equality and profoundly appreciated qualities. Furthermore, his utilization of dialect and descriptions represent the key ideas of the novel. Throughout the novel, Orwell continues to show comparisons betweenRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1395 Words   |  6 PagesGeorge Orwell’s Animal Farm: The Power of Corruption In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Orwell illustrates how power corrupts absolutely and how Napoleon degrades the structure and stability of Animal Farm because of the decisions that he makes. I will also expand on the idea of how Old Major’s ideas for an organized society get completely destroyed by Napoleon’s revolutionary actions. It was ironic and satirical that Napoleon’s own power annihilates Animal Farm. The satire in George Orwell’s AnimalRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1463 Words   |  6 Pagesbut of late he had fallen on evil days†(Orwell 38). In Animal Farm, George Orwell describes life for the animals on a farm in the English countryside during the mid to early 20th century before, during and after a revolution against their master, Mr.Jones. Orwell does this to represent the Russian revolution and describe to people throughout the free world how leaders in both capitalist and communist societies oppress the working class. As a result Orwell s tone throughout the novel is concernedRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1360 Words   |  6 Pagesquestion minus the answer.† In George Orwell’s â€Å"Animal Farm†, the author raises the question whether the type of government, communism, is feasible in a community without leading to a type of dictatorship or totalitarianism. Orwell presents the idea that communism is a good idea in theory, but it always leads to corruption by the people who take power. The author presents the novel as an entertaining fable featuring an animal revolution; however, beneath this storyline Orwell utilizes literary devicesRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1255 Words   |  6 Pagesrebellion in history. With these principles at heart, it only seems logical that human society should become utopian. Despite the principles, the French revolution paved the way for the autocratic rule of Napoleon. History repeats itself; George Orwell’s Animal Farm follows the rise of Animalism which serves as an allegorical reflection of the 1917 Russian revolution that led into the Stalinist era. Many revolutions throughout history follow the same path as the newly installed government always becomeRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1403 Words   |  6 PagesGeorge Orwell believes â€Å"What you get over and over again is a movement of the proletariat which is promptly characterized and betrayed by astut e people at the top and then the growth of a new governing class. The one thing that never arrives is equality† (Letemendia 1). Orwell simply loathes revolution and thinks it is unfair to the majority, for the people. He thinks that while individuals change, the people in power are always corrupt and they will corrupt any attempt at change. He communicatesRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1449 Words   |  6 Pagesconcept that the animals in George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm crave. The animals of Animal Farm want freedom from their â€Å"dictator† Farmer Jones and the rest of humanity. Their problem is that Farmer Jones and humanity are still in power. With the bravery of two pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, the animals overthrow their human oppressors and free themselves from humanity. With his new freedom Napoleon craves power and expels Snowball. He becomes the dictator of Animal Farm and makes the farm a place where

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Joe Hockey s Impact On The Australian Economy - 2465 Words

Whilst Joe Hockey has attempted to replace the age of entitlement â€Å"not with an age of austerity, but with an age of opportunity,† by taking extreme fiscal measures, the government have focused the 2014-15 Budget on pulling the economy out of deficit in the future, they have not looked at how the Budget is affecting people at this present moment. As a result, Joe Hockey has failed to show fairness in this years’ budget. Current State of the Economy Where did the Labor Government leave Australia’s Economy? The Labor Government have had a major impact on the Australian Economy, which has made it quite difficult for the Coalition to inherit. Joe Hockey stated that â€Å"Sixteen years of deficits without a recession, without any significant†¦show more content†¦Over the four years from 2009-10 to 2012-2013, Labor had met its fiscal rule of keeping the average spending growth rate to less than 2% a year (Musgrave, R. A. n.d). This was the lowest period of spending growth in 23 years, meaning that not enough money was being injected into the circular flow of income. This reduced aggregate demand as consumer spending was low. In order to ensure that key spending was sustainable, structural improvements were required for the 2014-15 Budget. Overall, the Labor government has left a disastrous legacy of high debt for the Liberal government to try and overcome. 2014-15 Budget Allocation Resources Revenue Expenditure Education †¢ Gonski Education funding reforms to be unwound, saving the commonwealth up to $30 billion †¢ University students to repay HELP loans earlier †¢ Subsidies extended to private institutions, given the ability to set their own fees †¢ Funding commitments are honored Health †¢ Rudd-era hospital funding deal with states to be unwound, saving the commonwealth up to $50 billion †¢ Patients will pay a fee of $7 for every GP visit- capped at 10 payments a year for children and concession-card holders. †¢ $5 of the fee will fund a new medical research fund that will grow to $20 billion †¢ Medicare safety net will be cut for most people †¢ No expenditure Welfare †¢ Family Tax Benefit Part B means-tested at $100 000 and removed once children turn six †¢ Under 30’s will have to wait six months

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Process Mapping Workbook Customer Satisfaction Samples

Question: Diacuss about the Business Process Mapping Workbook : Customer Satisfaction. Answer: Introduction Generally, this research paper is based on the Heartland Equestrian Centre App Project. Moreover, this research study is provides information on roles, concepts and importance of project methodologies in the IT (Information Technology). This study is also analyzes how to align IT project with the organizational objectives. Moreover, it will also provide a clear description about the various strategies for coordinating IT project change, project planning, selection techniques, decision making and problem solving approaches in the context of IT projects. Additionally, it is also analyze systems thinking approach to managing IT projects. In the same way, the project management concepts and methods with regards to the IT project would be discussed in order to attain the objectives of the study. The company Heartland is expecting to develop a most appropriate and suitable app to attain the objectives and overcome the current business challenges. This app would help the company in motivating and encouraging the clients. The company is developing this app because to optimize for Android as well as iPhone devices. Additionally, it is decided by the company that, the responsible people and specialist would adopt a development approach to effectively and successfully execute this new app for Android and iPhone instruments. The mission statement of the company is to provide a full range of services (riding, training, jumping, etc.) to their clients in more appropriate and innovative manner. Additionally, the key objective of the project is to develop a suitable app that can be used in the Android and IPhone devices. Moreover, to help the clients in enrolling and paying for their riding lesions, retraining, and booking trail rides and horse boarding. Furthermore, to help the clients of company in subscribing the newsletters and various upcoming events is also other objective of the project. In addition, the new app must also provide an album of photo so that the client can capture their memories. The overall objective of the project is to attract customers and improve customers services by enhancing full range of services (Harper-Smith, Derry, 2010). Outline of Problem/Opportunity Statement The given case clearly indicates that, currently Heartland is facing several problems. For instance, the profit and revenue level of the company are decreasing day by day due to fall in the private lessons, boarding horses, no of trainer etc. For example, the highly respected and professional trainer had left the company. Moreover, by developing new app the company would be able to gain various business opportunities. For case, the new app would improve current services and bring innovation within the business process and results in increase of number of customers (Jacka, Keller, 2009). The company and its management would need to think strategically and innovatively to align the project objectives with the organizational vision. Moreover, the time period to develop the new app is the main constraint of the project (Dow Taylor, 2010). Preliminary Project Requirements The project would require various specific and systematic development approaches for the project. Moreover, there would also be requirements for the special experts to get the suggestion about the development of new app. On the other hand, a team of programmers as well as digital image specialist would also be required to work on the app (Pemsel Wiewiora, 2013). The company may face several risk related to hacking, data security, unexpected results, busy servers etc. The company would also have to invest billions of dollars to modify the current app (Kerzner Saladis, 2013). The new app would help the company in bringing innovation within the current business process, systems and strategies. Moreover, the company can be able to provide more innovative services to their clients (Kerzner, 2013). On the basis of above analysis, it can be recommended that, the top management of the company should provide needed and appropriate support to their teams to develop the app. References Dow, W. Taylor, B. (2010). Project Management Communications Bible. USA: John Wiley Sons. Harper-Smith, P. Derry, S. (2010). Project Management: Fast Track to Success: The low down on the top job. UK: Pearson UK. Jacka, J.M. Keller, P.J. (2009). Business Process Mapping Workbook: Improving Customer Satisfaction. USA: John Wiley Sons. Kerzner, H.R. Saladis, F.P. (2013). Project Management Workbook and PMP / CAPM Exam Study Guide. 11th ed. USA: John Wiley Sons. Kerzner, H.R. (2013). Project Management: Case Studies (4th ed.). USA: John Wiley Sons. Pemsel, S., Wiewiora, A. (2013) Project management office a knowledge broker in project-based organisations. International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), 31-42.